Senior League World Series of Baseball

July 2022

GEOGRAPH was proud to be a sponsor of the 2022 Senior League World Series of Baseball this July and August, as it was held over 7 days here in Easley, SC. The event featured 12 baseball teams from all around the world, some arriving from Australia, Italy, and Guam to play in a double elimination tournament at the beautiful JB Owens Sport Complex.

Thursday night was “GEOGRAPH Night” where GEOGRAPH Director of Product Development and Co-Founder, Tim Sexton, threw out the first pitch. He was accompanied by his two sons, Matthew and Andrew, who were real troopers in waiting out the two-hour rain delay before taking their places on the pitching mound.

GEOGRAPH was especially pleased to see the Easley, SC team in the finals for the tournament, and while they did not win, they put in a great effort. All games were televised on ESPN Plus and the final game was broadcast on ESPN.

The highlight for those of us at GEOGRAPH was when one player hit a beautiful home run right out to mid-left field. It was a beautiful high and clean hit that landed just beyond the GEOGRAPH banner hanging on the wall.

It was our pleasure to sponsor the event and see so many talented ball players, and their families, come to Easley to play ball. We’re already looking forward to next year!